Sunday, July 8, 2012

Conclusion to Venus School

So the Conclusion to Venus School is up on Literotica! I hope you enjoy it. There are three endings and I kind of layered them - as in, each ending furthers the story a little more and I didn't start over at the beginning just because there was a new ending.  I had a lot of fun writing it, doing something a little different for me, and I hope you enjoy reading it!

The third Chapter of Sarah's Private Dick is also out.  No sex in this one but the plot is making me very happy, the sexual tension is driving me nuts and I'm working on Chapter 4 now and it looks like something sexy might be happening in that chapter.  Very excited!

I've also started work on my next series, which is a reader request in the Incest Category about an Uncle and Niece called Consequences. This is going to be a seduction / descent into depravity piece with some BDSM overtones and should be very interesting to write and work on keeping it different from the ones I've written before. I'm going to be doing some new things with it and that's rather fun =)

I also have another novella out on Kindle. It's also available on Literotica, but I'm trying to make things more available for download.  Lady Peasant is currently 99 cents - tomorrow and tomorrow only it will be free.  I'd like to keep making new releases available for free, but I have one favor to ask in return - please leave some kind of feedback on =) It makes a big difference to the website in terms of how much they promote me.

And, just to make it fun, if I get at least 5 reviews on ANY of the works that I have out, I'll post another sexy pic of me on the blog.  That's fair right? ;)


  1. So as far as I can tell, it's still up for 99C on Amazon, as opposed to free.

    1. It's up for free now - unfortunately Amazon doesn't always get the price changed right at midnight.
