Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exploding Through the Block

So after taking a weekend to do a lot more reading than writing, and also spending some quality time with my friends and hubby, I've started this week off feeling pretty refreshed and getting a lot of work done, which makes me happy =)

Thank you so much to everyone who left a review on Back in the Game by the way! I'm glad that people seem to be enjoying it! Unfortunately there do seem to be occasional problems with downloading some stuff, but I've only heard from a couple people about that so it doesn't seem to be a widespread problem, but I'm very sorry for the people who are having difficulties =( My suggestion at this point is to contact Amazon, because it seems to be an individual download issue.

In the meantime... Chapter 6 of Consequences is out on Lit. and I'll be submitting Chapter 7 this evening. Yesterday I submitted Chapter 7 of Sarah's Private Dick, so that should be coming out in a couple of days. I'm about halfway through Chapter 8. At first I thought Chapter 8 might be the last chapter, but now I'm thinking it's going to be Chapter 9.  Patricia has slowed me down a little, although I'm enjoying it. Patricia cracks me up. And it's a good thing too, I definitely don't want to rush the ending!

I've also been working hard on Venus Aspiring, and I'll probably post a teaser except on the blog tomorrow for that one. So far I think it's going really well.  Hilary's actually popping up quite a bit more than I had originally anticipated, but she gives a really great foil to Jessica's desires so it's helping a lot with Jessica figuring out exactly what she wants. At the moment she's fighting really hard to have both of the men, and I think they're going to let her. Of course, what comes next is the hard part - telling everyone else. Hilary's finally starting to come around, but she's also not too judgmental when it comes to anything to do with Jessica.  That's not going to be the case all over, because I just don't find that realistic.

At the moment Venus Aspiring is looking good to come out at the end of August, which means I'm right on track.  Planning on staying that way too =)

Next up for Lit, once I'm done with Sarah & Derrick's story, will be a couple of stand alone shorts that I've gotten reader requests for. And another stand alone that I came up with, because I'm a masochist who likes to play around in the Loving Wives category and see what feedback I get for various storylines.  And then I may try to venture out another romance series... which is something I haven't done in awhile.

I know, I'm really into the romance stuff lately. What can I say? I'm getting soft on the inside ;)

I even came up with a series idea yesterday that started out with non-con and ended as a romance. Which I want to write almost entirely to see if I can pull it off LOL. We'll see. At any rate, I'm feeling very refreshed and creative this week! Check back in tomorrow for an excerpt from Venus Aspiring =)


  1. I've always liked the idea of a non-con and slave situations turning into romantic situations. Heck, I'm just a sucker for romantic stories with heavy BDSM/Non-con elements. Prob why I follow your work. :P

    1. Heh heh, I'm def a sucker for those things too =) Have you checked out Cherise Sinclair? I'm loving her Masters of the Shadowlands and Doms of Darkhaven series. They've actually inspired a series that I'm going to be doing eventually, a spin off from the Venus series that will be all BDSM romances =)

  2. Is that a lit author or a published/epub author? I'll do some checking. :)

    1. e-books, I download her from amazon. She's my personal new favorite.
