Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last Day: Free Venus Aspiring

Thank you to everyone who is so interested in Venus Aspiring... I'm incredibly honored because when I checked this morning, it had hit #36 on the top Erotica Free Downloads and #491 of overall Kindle Downloads. This is the first time I've gotten onto the top 100 on the erotica list and the first time I've gotten below a thousand overall, so as a thank you I've gone ahead and made it available free for today as well.  So those of you who were away this weekend, you didn't miss out, you can still download it for free!

Please, if you have a minute, take the time to leave a review on amazon.com =) It really helps me out once the free day is no longer in effect! Thank you to those of you who have already done so! I really, really appreciate it!

In other news, I actually have a new story up (An Unconventional Beginning) on Lit! YAY! It's been awhile I know. This one is a reader request short standalone and I've put it in the romance category. Tried to write it a little bit like the romances I've been reading lately as well =)  I'm hoping to have the last chapter of Consequences submitted in the next couple of days as well.

And in the meantime I'll be working on my Kindle books of course =)

1 comment:

  1. Moved to BFE and my phone service sucks!! wasn't able too get on the internet to know that your book was available on kindle until today...sooo very bummed! But I will be buying your stories anyway because they are WORTH it!
