Sunday, September 2, 2012

Now Available: Venus Aspiring

Venus Aspiring is now available on Amazon! I love how fast they are about getting things up. Unfortunately I can't make the free promotion right away, the earliest I can do it is for the day after. So tomorrow it will be available for free for the day... Happy Labor Day! lol.  Also, I changed the formatting a little in hopes of fixing the problem that some people had with the first line of paragraphs missing... please let me know if you have any issues / if you had issues before and they are now fixed!  And, please please please, leave me a review on Amazon! It's the best thing you can do for me =)

Yesterday was a very productive day, I got more done than I ever imagined! I did my best with editing quickly so hopefully I didn't miss anything too major. I enjoyed re-reading my own book so that's usually a good sign, I think. =)

I also managed to finish a story that I was really close to being done with for Literotica, so that should be out in a few days. It's a reader request stand-alone romance. Fun! Now I'll be able to start on Being the Maid and finishing up Consequences for Literotica, as well as working on the last book of Poker Loser and starting Venus Desiring.

Sometimes I wonder if I take on too many projects at once, but the truth is I enjoy it and it actually helps me to be able to bounce from book to book depending on what mood I'm in. The writing is so much better when I'm in the mood to write it, instead of forcing myself to work on something.  I'll be honest, I'm not sure I'm in the mood for Allison and Todd at the moment so they may end up getting pushed off until after I'm done with the Venus Quartet entirely, but I will finish their story.

And in the meantime, I'm going to try to get a few things done for Literotica and also get out a few of the Literotica stories onto Kindle that people have requested. Woot!


  1. Oh my god I may have just read that in one 2 hour sitting

    Angel it's perfect I was scared at first about you bringing Hilary into it more I was so in love with the threesome but it felt right, kind of like as one relationship sorted it's self out (sort of) the next set of complications arise. I can't wait to read more about Hilary and Liam I'm very puzzled by him though I understand his motives most doms I know could read Hilary better and understand the desire but we will have to wait and see

    My only problem I wanted more of a reaction when Jessica met Rick maybe coz in my head she was screaming a bloody hell another one any. Ore of my ex-instructors hiding behind the corner but maybe that's just coz I know I wouldn't have been able to resist the need to make a comment maybe why im a switch rather them A true dom or sub

    Once again thank you angel for allowing us a peek into that incredible sexy mind of yours

    P.s. as much as I'm looking forward to this story continuing I can't wait to hear more about the stronghold doms

    1. Sorry for the typos my damn iPad kept freezing as I was trying to write

    2. YAY! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

      Yeah, I'm kind of wondering if maybe I didn't overwhelm Jessica a little too much at Stronghold, she was kind of distracted when she re-met Rick and it was a surprise but she was already responding to so much stimuli that she didn't react quite as I thought she would either.

      And I tooooooooootally agree. As much as I love the Venus characters, I'm constantly thinking about the Stronghold Doms and what's going to happen as they get their turns. They're sexy. LOL. It's nice to have so many characters that are inspiring me to write.

      At some point I'm going to have to upload the floor plan I made for Stronghold and post it on the Blog - I actually drew one out so that I can always refer to it!

      Thank you so much for the reviews!!!!! *HUGS*

  2. Wow - was already looking forward to reading this next installment, but after Queen's review I really can't wait...

    Then roll on Venus Desiring, eh?

    Loving your work, G-Angel !

    1. YAY! I hope you enjoy it as well! And yeah, I was originally thinking that I'd complete Venus Aspiring and then finish out the Poker Loser trilogy, but to be honest I'm so much more inspired to be writing about Hilary & Liam than Todd & Allison at the moment so I'm probably just going to flow with that. Enjoy!

  3. I bought it last night and read it in one sitting (with a few breaks to feed cats and check the laundry) and it is excellent. I'm really looking forward to the next book, mainly because I want to knock a couple people's heads together at this point ;-)

    I did want to let you know that as a poly person I do appreciate the fact that you included dealing with the reactions from friends and family. I never expect an author to include all the details of a multi-person relationship because frankly it ends up being a lot of negotiation which can be kinda boring, but its really jarring for me when the story has a real world setting and the issue isn't even mentioned.

    1. Yeah, one of the main reasons I ended up deciding that Jessica, Chris and Justin were going to be a threesome was because I was getting really tired of reading menage romances where all the friends and family are just like "Great! That's so awesome!" Um... so not realistic to me LOL. I wanted to explore what it might actually be like.

      If you wouldn't mind telling me something of your own experience (no pressure =) please email me at Right now I'm kind of just going off of my own imagination. And I'm curious whose heads you want to knock together =)

  4. I really enjoyed Venus School on Literotica, and am looking forward to reading the next book! I just got my copy.

    I'm one of those who had the formatting issue on the Kindle version with Venus School. Fortunately, I'm not seeing the formatting issues on this version. Yay! Are you planning on re-formatting your other books on Amazon?

    1. Hello! OH good, thank you so much for letting me know! I will try to reformat the other books, although the last time I tried to re-submit a book to Amazon it didn't work for some reason. Hopefully it won't be a problem... I will at least try!
