Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Won?!

I won my first ever contest on Literotica!!!! This was especially exciting for me because the last time I even placed in a Literotica contest was Survivorphile, which was about quantity, not quality.  Although I did try to do good quality, I've never even placed in a 'quality' contest before =)  Thank you so much for everyone who read my story and voted. I'm really honored and excited. I worked hard on that story so it was really wonderful to be validated!

Of course, I had an idea for a Christmas story too but now I can't enter the contest because I have to wait 6 months before I can enter a contest again after winning one. So that will have to wait till next year... can't be sad though. Too happy about winning!!!!

I'm having a wonderful vacation right now although I haven't gotten much work done and most of it has been on Venus Desiring so you won't be able to read it for awhile... I didn't have as much time to write this week since the cruise got canceled. On the other hand, I have gotten to do a lot of things I wouldn't have otherwise... like go to Disney World! Which I had never done before. Got it in before I turned 30. WOO!

It will be good to get home and get writing done though, I have lots of things going through my head. Hilary and Liam are making me happy. I'm hoping to finish Desiring by the end of this month. =)


  1. Congrats Angel! A well deserved victory. :) It's an awsome story.

    1. Thank you! I know I certainly enjoyed writing it so it was incredibly gratifying to know how many people enjoyed reading it =)

  2. Congrats on your win I absolutely LOVE your story being the maid. Question have you ever thought of doing a interracial story?

    1. Hello and thank you! I've done a few... what kind in particular were you looking for? =) I can either direct you to one I have or maybe you'll give me a new story idea!
