Friday, February 15, 2013

Marriage Training

***oops, I meant to post this yesterday*****:


Marriage Training Ch. 1 is now up on Lit. Now that's a Happy Valentine's Day ;)

At least to me because I've really been looking forward to it coming out, hopefully people enjoy it.  Although, as I think I mentioned before, the first chapter has no sex in it. But it's got good build-up and major erotic appeal, at least to me. It makes me excited for everything to come. Unfortunately I haven't gotten as much work done on Chapter 2 as I would like. The story is swirling around in my head, but due to it being busy season for the next couple of months and the fact that I'm working over time because of that, I haven't had as much time in my life period.

The nice thing is, after April 15, my life becomes substantially more open, especially over the summer. So the wait is going to be a little longer between chapters for a bit, but hopefully not too much longer.

Any special Valentine's Day plans out there?

I love Valentine's Day but more because I think it's a great way to share the love, I hate that people make it into a romantic holiday. I love hubby, but I love a lot of other people too.  Tonight I'm going to see the new Die Hard movie with friends and hubby.  I did make him a kind of romantic breakfast this morning though, I must admit. Chocolate chip heart-shaped pancakes. YUM. =) I should have taken a picture... oh well. Maybe next time LOL. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!



  1. on one hand I'm sooooo excited that marriage training is now available....can't wait to read it! On the other hand I almost don't WANT to read it, knowing it might be awhile before the next chapter comes out but we BOTH know I'll read it AND sit on pins needles waiting for the next one anyway so I'll dive right in and try to be patient LOL! I'd like to make my newly acquired fiance (happy valentines day to ME!) read this story with me so he knows what to not sure how he would react. Anyway (as I ramble on)....keep writing when you can and hopefully don't get too stressed out at work!! Thanks for the new story...always love your work!

    1. Omgoodness! Congratulations on your engagement =) and on V-day! love it.

      Hahaha, don't be afraid to let him know what you want! I don't encourage hubby to read my stories (or ask him if he does) cuz it's just too awkward, but he knows I like things kinky and man is it fun to play! I think Venus School would be a better instructional guide than Marriage Training though, I'm going on a slightly different bent with it ;)

  2. I am looking forward to this series also! I am fascinated about the Victorian era but was surprised at how the story started and that she is having her training at school and not with the husband and a nanny... Now I will be anxiously for chapter 2!! (goodgirl from Lit)

    1. Oooo yeah I've read a lot of those, with the nanny & husband, and they're hot but I wanted to try to do something a little different. I got the idea from "Childebride Island" but I wanted it to be a little bit more possible. Like Venus School of Sex I think this is going to be one that's going to end up being part of a series and so I wanted the characters to easily be able to integrate into Victorian Society.

      Plus I like to challenge myself by trying to give my stories different takes than things I've read =)
