Monday, May 20, 2013

Post Venus

Wow... I kind of can't believe that I have completely finished the Venus Rising series.  At this time last year I hadn't even started publishing anything on Amazon, wasn't even thinking about it, and now I've completed both the Poker Loser Trilogy and the Venus Rising Quartet.  That's kind of insane.  And awesome.  But insane.  I have to say, I'm thrilled that people enjoy my work so much.  Wow... I just looked at Literotica.  At this time last year, I was only halfway through writing Venus School of Sex.  Crazy!

Thank you to everyone who has left a review on Venus Transcendent so far, I really appreciate it!  Please keep letting me know what you think =)

Now that Venus is done I've been concentrating on getting the next chapter of Marriage Training completed for Lit.  I'm going to be submitting it tonight so it should (hopefully) be out later this week, dependent on Lit's submission pace.  I'm also getting my focus back into Dealing With Discipline and I'm getting back into working on Stronghold.

Dealing With Discipline will be coming out before Stronghold though, although it's possible they won't be far apart in release dates.  It really depends on how fast each of them come along.  I had already done some work on Stronghold months ago, and although it needs a little editing to accommodate how Adam has developed and a few changes that I decided to make for Angel's character, I've already basically completed the first couple chapters.  Woo!

Now, I really do read every single comment / review that gets left on Amazon or my blog and I just thought I'd address some things people had mentioned...

I realize that Venus Transcendent doesn't really have a definitive "the end."  There are several reasons for this, the first of which is that I didn't want to force a wedding (or two weddings) just to feel like I'd "ended" the story.  The second of which is that their stories are going to continue throughout the Stronghold series.  So the end of Rising isn't really a goodbye, it's a "we'll see you later."  And I'm looking forward to the later even though we won't be seeing it from the Venus character's points of view anymore.  The final reason is that I can't stand it when characters get pushed to wrap things up in a neat little bow at the end of the series, even if they don't really seem ready for it.  Jessica and Hilary have decided what they want, they've overcome the obstacles that were set up for them in their books, and while I suppose I could manufacture new obstacles for them it would feel like just that... manufactured.   I'd much rather just watch them through their friend's eyes while they go through their own stories.  Trust me, we'll be seeing a lot of all the characters in the subsequent books.  And I will probably be writing novellas for them in the future, but they won't be full out books.

The reason Master Adam is next in line is because, well... it's his turn.  Even though he didn't really want it to be.  Although Master Rick is more actively looking for a sub, he's not ready to find one yet.  I totally understand why it seems like Lexie and Patrick's story should be next, but they're not ready yet either.  There's a lot of conflict going on there and things are going to come to a much bigger boil before their book - something that I'm really looking forward to in the next couple of books.

I have a lot of things that I'm really excited about upcoming stories, in both series. I wish I could write a million times faster than I physically can, but I got the Quartet done in under a year and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to keep up the pace for future releases!

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