Thursday, June 20, 2013

Currently Working on and After Bedtime Ch. 4

The final chapter of After Bedtime is now available on Literotica!

Crazy.  I originally wrote that one for the Survivorphile contest, just to have something in the Incest/Taboo category.  I definitely didn't mean for it to be a chapter thing... although that's happened with several of my stories where I didn't mean for them to go beyond the original story and then I either got inspired by people's comments or it was specifically requested that I continue.  It's a good way to write =)  Seriously, feedback keeps me constantly motivated (well, unless it's super negative and then I go back and read all the good feedback to remind myself that most people like my work).

Going by the poll from last week the vast majority of you are big fans of the butt sex, so I'm probably just going to keep on trucking with my usual, although I'll throw in more standalones that are focused on other things ;)  My series... well it just always seems like a natural progression to eventually include the booty.  

SO.  I am just past halfway through Dealing With Discipline and my next blog post will be a teaser for that.  YAY!  Things are getting interesting... it's much more involved that I originally thought it would be.  But that's a good thing.  The characters are really coming to life for me.  

Work on Stronghold continues, although I'm more focused on Discipline for now.  I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the next chapter for Marriage Training and I've just started work on my submission for the Nude Day contest... I'm not entirely sure I'll have it ready in time but I'm going to try.  I got so many good suggestions from you all for it, and while I guess it could work for the summer contest it would really be better for the Nude Day one.  So that's gonna be taking a lot of my focus as well =)

I've gotta figure out what I'm going to work on when I'm done with that though... I might have another vote because I'm torn between doing more standalones and starting an easy series.  By an easy series I mean one where there's not a whole lot of plot... kinda like the After Bedtime series lol.  Thoughts?  Feel free to share... 


  1. Do you have any plans to finish Doug's Fantasy?? That's one series I would love to see continued!

    1. The way I've been working with finishing up series on Lit is that the sticky wheel gets the grease ;) Basically I've been tending to other projects until someone asks about something specific - and obviously the more people asking the more likely I am to get my butt started on it.

      I'll check out Doug's Fantasy and see what I can do as soon as I'm done with my story for the Nude Day contest! =)

  2. I know it is easier to start a new story and you have Discipline coming next, but ask to share...... Stronghold, Stronghold, Stronghold. Please I want to read Stronghold. :)

    1. Hahahaha, I'll post a Stronghold teaser sometime soon too, although I'm not nearly as far along in that one since I haven't been working on it for as long. I've been wanting to post a teaser from the female point of view for that book. Woot!

  3. Have to confess, the only work of yours I really don't like is the Incest/Taboo stuff, although I realise you have followers who do like it.
    (Personally, it creeps me out.)
    Want more Stronghold, that makes me v happy. :)

    1. Heh heh... I just don't think about it anymore. or think about it in terms of anime characters. It's honestly THE #1 most requested story category otherwise I wouldn't be writing in it anymore now that I no longer enter the Survivorphile contest, but that's just the way it goes! And it's fortunately gotten to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore.

      I want more Stronghold too!!! Should have a teaser coming out later this week =)

  4. always one of my favorites of yours. Thanks for sharing your talent!
