Saturday, August 17, 2013

Alternate Conclusion to Secret Anal Sex

Soooo a long time ago I wrote a story called Secret Anal Sex =)  It was during Survivorphile when I was doing a lot of different stories.  I always meant it to be a one off and was fine with the conclusion, but I was recently contacted by someone who goes by the username FinishTheDamnStory who likes to finish stories that they feel are incomplete and they asked if they could write a conclusion for it because they felt there was more story there.  In particular they wanted Lauren to get revenge on John.

Personally I never planned to write an ending for it, so I said, sure go ahead!  You can find the new "conclusion" here.

It's definitely not the kind of story I would have written, mostly cuz I rarely write stories with the woman in charge because it's just not my forte, but I found it fascinating to see where someone else wanted the story to go and see a sequel to some of my work.  I enjoy reading new stories and having this one be a continuance of my own work made it that much more interesting to me =)

So if you're interested, there ya go! 

I'm keeping an eye out because the next chapter of Marriage Training should be out soon... in the meantime, I had an AMAZING birthday and I'm having a pretty fantastic weekend now =) YAY!


  1. I saw his(?) comment about asking you in regards to a story he wanted to see finished, I was curious which it was. Interesting approach to say the least

  2. Thanks again for allowing me the opportunity to write a sequel to your little tale. I've read a lot of your work, and when I read this one, it just stuck to me. I had this image of her waking up the next morning saying 'WTF?' That little idea led me to the request to writing a follow-up.

    And yes, I'm a guy, but I'm an equal opportunity evangelist when it comes to righting wrongs. At least in stories.

    Looking forward to the next chapter of Marriage Training. A truly GREAT series. Glad to hear you had an Amazing Birthday.

    1. No problem! Like I said, it was fascinating to see my work from another point of view =) And I'm often inspired by other people's writing so it was a lot of fun for me to see someone who was inspired by mine =)

      And thank you!

  3. just wanted to say that I enjoyed this, thanks.

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