Oh hey look what's finally out!
Marriage Training Ch. 11 took me a while and is not as long as the others, not even as long as I had originally planned, because there's just been so much craziness going on in my life. I was trying to finish Dealing With Discipline asap and I was also packing up because I moved this past weekend... and now I'm unpacking. But I've only got a little bit more to go on Chapter 12 now so I'm hoping to submit that by the end of this week. That would be good =)
I'm hoping to pick up speed on this because, even though I love the series, there's a lot of other things that I want to write too and I can't because this one takes so much of my concentration! Although I can occasionally pound out a standalone, I kinda hate to do so because it takes away time I feel like I should be working on books / the series.
And there's several new series that I really want to start!
Excited to hear that you plan to spend more time on this series. Can't wait till the Earl joins in chapter 14!!