Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Bit of Random

Thank you to all of you who have sent me questions for the "interview" (see previous blog if you have no idea what I'm talking about ;) - I'm going to keep accepting questions through Friday and then the blog will be out on Sunday.  So far it's looking like it's going to be a VERY long blog even if no one else sends me any more questions, so that's good!  And there are plenty that I'll be able to post to Smashwords that'll be really useful =)

I've been getting a lot of writing done this week, on all of my projects which is nice.  I was so hardcore into writing Stronghold that it's taken a bit of effort to direct my attention elsewhere, but I really don't want to make people wait too long for the next chapter of Marriage Training either.  And I've had a reader request standalone story that I've been working on probably close to a month now, if not more.  Ack.

So far this week I've finished a chapter of Stronghold and am about halfway through the next one, started the next chapter of Marriage Training and I am sooooooooo close to being done with the standalone story that I can taste it.  Sadly I haven't been able to work on Seduction by Spanking at all, but that's okay because Stronghold is definitely the priority.

And, as usual, those characters are being a little unruly.  Not in a bad way, and they're not messing with my overall outline at the moment, but Adam and Angel are taking a bit of extra time that I hadn't originally planned.  Which is just fine, it's going to make their relationship stronger in the end, but it does mean for a slightly longer book =)  (So not a bad thing).  I can't even tell you all how much fun I am having writing this book, and it does seem to be flowing out of me really quickly and easily which is great.  Still aiming for an October release date although it will probably be around the end of October rather than the middle, just because I can tell this is going to be a bigger editing job than usual once I manage to finish it due to the length.  I'm already almost at 100,000 words and I'm more than a couple chapters away from the end.

So that's what's going on with me... I gotta go work out the repercussions of a fight that broke out in Stronghold ;)  Don't worry, nothing to do with Angel and Adam... but I don't think Lexie's relationship with her boyfriend Trevor is going to make it through the end of this book.  Definitely not if Patrick has anything to say about it ;)

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