Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Amazon Banning Erotica & Indie Authors

So, the whole thing with my covers?  Yeah, I resubmitted them and they're back up on the site, with no explanation as to why they were taken down in the first place.  They made it through the "review"... again.

But apparently it's part of a larger problem.  Lexi Blake, who is one of my favorite authors and whom I just did a blog on last week, has had one of her books Their Virgin Captive, removed from the site because apparently it's offensive.  This is the same sight that sells Game Theft Auto... not to mention a ton of sex toys... also graphic movies...

Apparently they're mostly targeting independent authors, like yours truly.  Delightful right?  Some of Lexi's fans suggested emailing the CEO directly (jeff@amazon.com) and there's also a change.org petition here - http://www.change.org/petitions/amazon-barnes-and-noble-kobo-drop-the-clause-of-removing-erotica-and-self-published-indie-authors?share_id=ecrKvjPzoD&utm_campaign=twitter_link_action_box&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share_petition

Honestly, I have no idea how much the change.org petitions can do, but it can't hurt to spread the word, because it's absolute BULLSHIT that erotica can be pulled when the graphic murder mysteries and horror stories get to stick around, not to mention the fact that erotic romances by publishers AREN'T having the same problem.  This is basically targeting the people they think won't be able to fight back and don't make the same sales that the authors who go through publishers do... so if you have a minute to write an email or sign the petition, please let them know that that's not true.


  1. Kit Rocha had the same problem with the original cover for Beyond Control (if I remember correctly, I think her hands were bound?) so they ended up changing all the covers to match. The ones that really surprised me that made it through? The dino porn. Since when does Amazon support bestiality?!

    1. Right?! It's actually IN guidelines that you're not allowed to do bestiality or incest or nonconsent, but I've come across a LOT of books that include it - and not just in the erotica category.

  2. Petition signed !

    Congratz on starting the last chapter of Stronghold....Sooooooooooooooooooooooo can not wait to read it!


    1. Thank you! And I'm sure you'll be excited to know that I just FINISHED the last chapter of Stronghold =) Epilogue time!

    2. OMG OMG OMG Yay! So looking forward to reading it!

    3. OUTSTANDING, are you ahead of schedule? Either way Well Done, I'll have to join in on the "happy dance" :)


    4. Well, right on schedule really =P I've finished the writing, but I've got a crap ton of editing to do since this is my longest book to date (approx. 145,500 words) I'm aiming to have it published by next weekend.
