Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Editing Mania

So I've got about a third of Stronghold edited at this point, which means I'm right on track to submitting it to Amazon by this weekend =)  YAY!  I love it when I manage to do things on time! hahahaha.  This is also basically a re-read of my work for me and as I'm re-reading it, I'm pretty happy with what I've put together.  There are times when the characters get a little bit frustrating because, of course, without conflict a book is kind of boring, but I really do adore how Angel and Adam turned out and how their story has turned out.  I can't wait to share it with you all =)

I'm working on the next chapter of Marriage Training, which, if I'm very lucky, I will complete and submit by the end of this week.  I hope so, because next week I'm going to be out of town so even if I finish it while I'm out of town I won't be able to submit it until I get back.  So here's hoping I have time to complete both my projects for this week!

I'm also looking forward to getting focused back on the Domestic Discipline Quartet, seeing as I've been looking forward to Cynthia's character ever since the beginning of the books.  She and Wesley crack me up.  And there's a lot of little dramas going on between the other characters as well, things that were basically wrapped up in the last two books but still need that little finishing touch to make the story complete =)  As well as getting a little further into what's going on with Alex and Grace.  Yay!  I've barely been working on that world while I was so focused on Stronghold and I've missed it.  At the moment I'm still aiming to have it out this winter, but I don't know if it will be out before the end of the year or not (I'm guessing not...).  So we'll see!

In the meantime, I'll update later this week once I've submitted Stronghold to Amazon so you can keep an eye out for it!  The first week (the week that I'm away on vacation) it's going to be available for the special price of 99 cents.  After I get back from vacation on November 3rd, the price will be $2.99.

Hope everyone's having a good week and getting excited!


  1. More editing and less bloging and tweeting! LOL just kidding :) I can understand you wanting to get both done, you have enough people on Lit asking for the next chapter of MT. I hope you get both done so you can relax when you are out of town, I bet you need it and giving us another book you deserve it!

