Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Okay, so things have been super busy lately.  We're about 80% unpacked and set up in our new home, which is AMAZING (especially considering we said "hey, let's buy a house" during the first week of June and things just moved RIDICULOUSLY fast from there), I just had my 31st birthday, and I'm busy with writing lots of stuff, but I wanted to take a moment to brag.

About my super awesome husband.

A couple of things to know in order for you to understand how super awesome this is.  First of all, I name everything.  I name the rabbit that hops around our front yard (Herbert), my car (Helga), his car (Bert), the first ant we saw in our new house (Wayne), and I always name all of my plants.  All of them.  Currently we only have an orchid named Violet, but we used to have more, including this overly large ficus that was really too big for an apartment.  You would try to walk by it and it would attack and you'd get caught up in its branches, and so of course we kept it near the front door, and I named it Fido the Watch Ficus.

Well, Fido died, because we got really terrible about watering the plants and stuff when we got super busy (and also when we moved from our previous apartment, he stopped getting enough light) and it was really sad, because hubby and I were probably more attached to Fido than any of our other plants.  We moved him closer to the window, we started watering him on a very regular basis, I put a stuffed squirrel (Bridget) in his tree to keep him company... but it didn't work and he passed on.

The second thing you need to know is that I'm obsessed with Harry Potter.  Like... obsessed.  I got all of the books, at midnight, starting with the third one, I saw ALL of the midnight showings, I own a tie from every single House, two years ago I went to Harry Potter World on Halloween dressed in my Hogwarts outfit (which I put together, it's not one of the store bought crap ones, it looks like the real deal), I re-read the books multiple times during the year (One of the few series in which I own ALL hardbacks), etc. etc.  I even know most of the names of the actors and actresses (which I usually never both to learn unless I'm SUPER obsessed with something), AND the names of the directors, which is something I NEVER know.  Obsessed.

The third thing you need to know, is that my husband is FUCKING AWESOME and gives the best birthday presents ever.

Fido was a Watch Ficus
Some say he was the best,
and when brave Fido passed away,
he made a last request:

To stay with you, protect and serve,
to keep you safe from harm,
and with his last remaining branch,
to ward you with a charm.

Of all his spells, he knew of none
that could reach you from above,
so Fido called on Old Magic,
a spell we know as "Love."

As Fido's leaves forever sway
in breezes we can't feel,
his spell stays with us to this day,
unbreakable as steel.

And even though his watch is done,
he smiles from beyond,
for all things evil still will run,
from Fido, the Watch Wand.


  1. Oh he is awesome!!! I'm sorry you lost one form of Fido but glad your hubby managed to keep his spirit around.

    1. Yeah, he's amazing =) I can't read the damn poem without crying. I didn't even know he could write, much less poetry!

  2. wow what an imaginative and thoughtful gift. you have a keeper in that husband of yours. I am sure he inspires a trait or two in each of your leading men

    1. He's such a Keeper =D (get it? HP reference? LOL) And he def comes out a little in most of my leading men!

  3. Major kuddos to the hubby. I name all of my plants too.

    1. They deserve names! =) Although hubby is unamused by Violet's name LOL

  4. Bravo!!! Truly works of art! Nothing sexier than a man who has 'scope of the imagination'. "Things have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always the way we expect." Wonderful set of gifts & talents your husband has! Happy late birthday!!

    1. Thank you! And OMG I didn't even think of that quote and how it applied =) Amazeballs.

  5. Lucky you!!!! I am happy you have such a wonderful hubby and wow he does deserve a LOT of bragging!!!! Happy Bday and I am happy you got Fido back in some way... truly a beautiful and thoughtful gift.


    1. Thank you! I had a great birthday =D Esp thanks to hubby.

  6. Two beautiful creative people. Late Happy B'day and hope you have many happy years together! (I just celebrated 31 years.)

    1. Thank you! I'm going with 31 is a good year =D Happy Birthday to you too!

  7. Your husband is awesome! Congrats on buying your first home!
