Friday, May 8, 2015

Every Day I'm Rambling

Haven't had a ramble post in  a while... feel like I have a fair amount to ramble about =)

I went on a bit of a writing spree for Pieces of Stronghold earlier this week, which seems to have slowed for a bit but I think it's probably going to be picking up again.  I'm just figuring out how to get from where it is to where I want it to go... also, sometimes when plot gets interrupted for a sex scene, that slows me down a little.  But after going several chapters without one... well, I feel like it's due.  Plus it's fun to catch up with Hilary and Liam =)  I wasn't sure I was going to be doing their POV or not, but it turns out I was!

One thing is, if you like the series, this is def going to be a novella that you don't want to miss.  There's some serious shit going down.  I'll make sure that you don't NEED to have read it in order to enjoy Breaking the Chain, but there's some pretty significant events happening.  Speaking of BtC; RaineyCloud9 has sent me a few cover mock-ups and it's going to be sooooooooo pretty!!!!  I'm so excited =)  My goal right now is to get Pieces out by the end of this month and BtC out by the end of July / beginning of August.

IRL I've got a million things going on... Renaissance fairs, a beach trip, AwesomeCon, putting together cosplays, and going to see Avengers for the second time.  Freaking loved it.  Anyway... costumes costumes costumes!  I love dressing up.  Looking forward to doing it tomorrow.

I've been slacking on finishing up Homeschooled because I've been spending every free minute I have working on Pieces.  It's just where my head is at right now.  Lots of motivation.  I just finished one of the scenes that I've seriously had spinning around my head for MONTHS and it was such a relief to get it out.  Got more like those coming up.  It's going to be a very packed little novella.  I say novella... sooooo novellas are technically about 20,000-30,000 words long.  A novel is about 70,000.  My so-called novellas tend to be about 50,000 and my novels are usually 100,000 or more.  I think the Poker Loser Trilogy was the only time that I stuck to true novel length.  Pieces is currently at about 35,000 and I'm going to try to keep it to about 50,000.  I hope.  Ugh.  Still lots of story left to go into it.

I'm still gonna start the price at 99 cents, but I may up it to $1.99 after a month or so of being on sale if it gets up to actual novel length.

By the way, if any of you has picked up the Poker Loser Bundle, or if you've just read the books before singly and don't mind writing a review for the trilogy as a whole, it would be much appreciated!!!!! =)  It needs some review love.

Soooooooo I'm reading this book series, which I love, but the author is starting to do some cliche things and I'm just like ARGH.  I really hate the double standards for men and women; where men get to put their dick in whatever they want but the heroine has to remain pure and wait for him to figure out his shit, no matter how much it hurts her.  BULLSHIT!  I like to try and mix things up.  I've got a Victorian story that I started working on a year ago and still write a little bit of when I'm in the mood (eventually I'm going to actually sit and concentrate on it) where the guy is going to have to keep it in his pants the whole time while the heroine gets to explore her options.  It's a LOT of fun to write.

I'm also doing some stuff in the Stronghold series where I turn some cliches on their heads... at least, I hope that's what I'm doing LOL.  One of my beta readers said something to me the other day, making an assumption about where a particular story line is heading, and in my head I laughed maniacally... cuz they were wrong!  lol.  Is it wrong that I enjoy that so much?

That's me.  Right there on the bottom.  He even has my squinty Asian eyes. =D  Hopefully everyone doesn't hate where I end up going lol.  An author's greatest fear!  (No but really... well, most authors.  I could name a few... argh.  But that's why I stopped reading their books).  I have to say though, some of the new characters that I'm introducing in Pieces are already delighting me in ways that I hadn't realized they would.  Also, I'm introducing 4 new Doms that are going to get novellas, although they will NOT be part of the main Stronghold group.  Yup.  I'm gonna do a spin-off of a spin-off.  I can't help it.  One short scene and they had me hooked. I was already writing stories for them in my head.

Anyway... if you follow me on Facebook (or if you don't, you should), go to my page and "Like" my most recent status to find out a tease-spoiler about Pieces ;)  no, but seriously, please do, I'm honestly dying to share this.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Oooh lots of news!!! I am very excited about Pieces and with the Kit Rocha (your fault Im hooked on Kit!!! you should join our The Broken Circle Lounge in Facebook by the way its loads of fun!) new book coming out too its going to be an awesome reading month!!!!.

    A Ren Faire?? I am jealous we dont have those over here and I always dreamed of going to one!!!!! Gotta find a way to be in the US when there is one happening!

    I love plot twists and having cliche's turned! Woooohooo excited!

    Thanks for the update!

    1. I've been meaning to join; part of it is needing the time to keep up with things and I feel like I wouldn't have it. Can't WAIT for the next book though!

      Renn Fair is one of my favorite things =D the one in my state is in the fall, but it's fun to travel a little and enjoy one out of season!

    2. that is the cool thing about TBC its just chatting and photos and laughing so if you cant go there all the time its not a huge deal. But its fun all the same when you do get to go in there. You miss it though. Im trying to make my next US trip Ren Faire season at least in one of the states I will go to, so that I get to experience it, but with the my Belly Dance school it wont be for a while. O hope we get to see some pictures on FB of it!!! :D


    3. Oh and I blame you for my Kit Rocha obsession!!!! You and the girls are my fave erotica writers!!!! <3

    4. I will happily take the blame, I love turning people onto those books!

      So you're getting to go to Bellly Dance school?! That's awesome!!!!

    5. I actually own a belly dance school ;). I love it, but it has taken over my life in a way that I did not expect. I invested everything in it so I have to work hard and focus on it for a while till I am stable enough to be able to take some time off from it.


  2. Omg, is it August yet? I have dying for a new book, so I started back over at venus school And read all my favorite doms again. Is Olivia going to get her own book?

    1. Well Pieces should be out soon hopefully! I'm having a blast writing it =) I'm glad you're enjoying the re-reads!

      Olivia will have her own book, which I'm both excited and anxious about... should be interesting writing from the Domme perspective!

    2. Yeah Olivia thank you! It will be great.
