Sunday, February 14, 2016

Pre-order: The Bunnies Are Coming

Now available for pre-order: Chasing His Bunny - first book in the Big Bad Bunnies series

Release Date: April 1, 2016

Only 99 cents if you pre-order!  Price goes up to $2.99 once it's released!


  1. Would pre-order but Amazon UK won't let me, any idea why? Love your work though, keep it up.

    1. I do not know! I'll see if I can find out - if not, I'll have the 99 cent price (US currency) for the first couple of days the book comes out to make sure all my loyal blog / newsletter / facebook followers can get the special price!

  2. Here's the UK link -

    Anyone else outside the US - the link only works inside the US since Amazon has diff sites for each country; if the link doesn't work for you, just go to your regular Amazon site and search for Chasing His Bunny =)

    1. Thanks, pre-ordered now, thought it was a universal link as it took me to a page where I was signed in. Keep up the writing and I look forward to reading the bunnies. =)

    2. Yeah, Amazon's tricky like that LOL. They make things so complicated even though it looks easy!

      Thank you so much for reading!
