Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Contest Winner & Stuff

Congratulations to Barbara Evans who won the drawing!  I put all the names of everyone who left me a review and sent me a request to be entered into a random picking generator... I think I'm going to start doing this more often, because it's a nice way to be able to give back a little to the people who write me reviews =)  I super appreciate the reviews any time... they really do make a big difference for any author, even if it's just a short line or two.

I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying Bound to the Past!  I had a lot of fun writing it and trying to do something different with the whole "couple with bad breakup in the past get back together" story line.  And trying to do something different with Andrew's man-whoriness.  lol.

Right now I'm on the last chapter of my next Dark Angel book, the second book in the Planets Apart series, and that should be out later this month.  YAY!

Then I'll be diving straight into Lydia's Penance.  I'd really like to finish it and have it out before Christmas, but that might be asking a lot.  If not, it'll be out in January.

I'm still just super behind on everything... *sigh*  Trying hard to catch up though.

I'm working on about three other things behind the scenes too.  UGH.  At some point I'm going to need to slow down... I'm just not sure when.  LOL.  Really, I just need to get some things finished so that I can focus better.  Right now I'm all scattered.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back to your old self. Trying to do four things at once, "That's our Angel."
