Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Amazon Free Month - Day 16 - The Prime Resistance

Prime Day was successfully resisted.

I didn't even look at the sales.

And when I heard about the protests going on, by Amazon workers, I felt even better about my decision.

What I DID do was check out Target's deals. It was kind of fun knowing they were going up against the big Zon's biggest day and helping them out, while also buying some things that I wanted / needed. Especially because, while Target has some problems (as any big company does) I keep seeing lots of great things that they're doing, from their teacher discounts to their breastfeeding policies / nursing rooms. I feel like every time I've seen their name in the news lately, it's for something positive that I support.

It made me wish that they sold e-books actually.

However, they did have a buy 2 get 1 free sale on their regular books! I got the third illustrated Harry Potter book, pre-ordered the fourth, and got the illustrated Fantastic Beasts book for free =) WOOT! Not only that, but the books were cheaper at Target ($25.99) than they were on Amazon ($29.99). So double win for me.

I also picked up two super tankinis that were on sale, some cheap bubble wrap that I need for shipping some delicate items, and a folding shelving unit that I'm *hoping* I'll be able to use at Literary Love: Authors Rock Savannah next weekend. I saw another author with shelves on her table at RomCon and it made me very jealous about how much space it saved her lol.

One moment of drama today - I had forgotten about pre-orders.

Lexie Blake's latest Bliss re-release came out today. She's a one-click author for me and I pre-order her books as soon as they go up. So when I opened up my Kindle this morning and saw Once Upon A Time in Bliss I was like CRAP! I'd forgotten about pre-orders.

But I did the work. Found Once Upon a Time in Bliss on Smashwords, ordered it there, and returned it on Amazon. I won't lie, for a brief moment I considered just letting the Amazon order stand... but I'm trying to do this right! It would have been easier and more convenient to just let it go, sure, but it also only took me a few minutes to return the book and buy it from Smashwords. It wasn't exactly a big inconvenience.

I also went through and canceled my other pre-orders and added them to my wishlist instead. I don't think I'm going to be totally Amazon-free after this month, but I'm going to do my best to keep up most of it. I'll use Amazon when it really does have a great deal, but otherwise... I'm going to keep trying to encourage wide authors to remain wide by purchasing their books from other platforms!


  1. I commend you on your dedication to remain Amazon-free for a month. I actually went into a Target over the weekend (haven't visited one in 2/3 years). I think somehow your journey (and my constant reading of your blog) has subconsciously placed Target on my (shopping) radar :)

    1. woo-hoo! I'd kind of forgotten about Target for a long time too lol
