Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 - Hopes and Goals

 Looking back at last year's post on this topic, I don't think I'm going to be able to capture the same kind of feverishly hopeful excitement I had, but I will say that I am really excited about 2021. It's going to be my first as a full time author and I am looking to bring you all some wonderful books. At least, I think they're going to be wonderful and I'm going to do my best to make it so (I will not let you down Jean-Luc! Yes that was a Star Trek reference.)


What are my goals for 2021? Oh so many things. First of all, I've written out a writing / release schedule for myself that I am 95% sure I will be able to stick to lol. When I was writing it out, I wanted several things - 

- 2 releases for the Deception and Discipline series (aka my new Victorian series)

- 2 releases for the Masters of Marquis series

- 2 new Sinistre Ange books

- As many of my new Dungeons and Doms series as I could fit in

I am also part of four box sets this year (three are still a secret and Rayanna may yell at me but at this point I think it's fair to say that ya'll expect there's going to be a Dirty Daddies boxset at some point in the late summer / early fall). One of those box sets I am organizing. *Gulp* So that's terrifying. lol. Hopefully it'll go off well! Organizing the Dad Bod Doms collection last year was stressful but also a lot of fun, I've got my fingers crossed this will be a similar experience.

And, of course, I have two co-writes that I'm hoping to work in. 

The past two years, Raisa and I (as Sinistre Ange) have released a Happily-Never-After book on Valentine's Day... this year we decided to push the release back to October. This is partly because we both needed more time to write it and also, Valentine's Day has not been kind to our erotic horror baby. We're hoping people will be more in the mood for it leading up to Halloween. Sinful Lust might be the last one of these that we do, if changing the release date doesn't help make it more worthwhile. While we both enjoy doing them, there's a lot of other stories that we also enjoy writing and sometimes business decisions have to be made. 

My other co-write, with Lee Savino... well, we got it started in 2020 but we got nowhere near finishing. I got behind on my writing, she had things going on over on her side, and we just didn't have the time to devote to it. Obviously we're hoping to change that this year. 2020 was a weird year and hopefully an outlier. 

There's a lot of scary things going on this year. I am starting three all new series, even if two of them are spin offs of series I've already completed. The new series have mostly new casts (don't worry, previous characters will often be stopping in to say hello - just try and stop them *sigh*) and a slightly different feel to them. The Deception and Discipline series has the romance and the spanking, but also a mystery to be solved and a traitorous plot to foil. Masters of Marquis is focusing on side characters from the Stronghold Doms series and there's a whole new club to play in! And Dungeons and Doms is one I am so. damn. excited. about but I have no idea if people will like it or not. 

And then that boxset I'm organizing. Challenges! Challenges everywhere! It's scary and exciting and exhilerating all at once.


For the goals that I am giving release dates (though these are tentative in some cases) - 

January 12th - A Season for Treason - Deception and Discipline #1

February - **secret anthology #1** (as Sinistre Ange)

March 19th - Rogue Booty (originally published in the Pirates, Passion, & Plunder anthology)

April 6th - Bondage Buddies - Masters of Marquis #1

May 18th - Dungeon Master - Dungeons and Doms #1

June 15th - **secret anthology #2** <-- the one I'm organizing!

July - **secret project** (If this one doesn't end up happening it's likely that I'll do something else this month instead... like release a Sinistre Ange book from something that used to be up on Literotica lol)

August 19th - A Season for Scandal - Deception and Discipline #2

September 30th - Dungeon Daddy - Dungeons and Doms #2

October - Sinful Lust as Sinistre Ange - Happily Never After #3

November 11th - Master Chef - Masters of Marquis #2

December 9th - Taking the Reins as Sinistre Ange - Planets Apart #4

That's an awful lot going on. And you notice, there are some things I mentioned doing / wanting to do (like 2 of the anthologies and my co-write with Lee...) where I don't have a release date listed and that's because I have noooooo idea. I believe the secret anthology will be coming out sometime in the late spring / early summer and the Dirty Daddies in the late summer / early fall but I don't have anything firm on either of those. 

Now, behind all of this is the writing schedule I have for myself too, so I've paced it out and I *think* this is doable. A grand experiment! We shall see LOL. 

The other big thing on the horizon is selling things on my own... Another scary step. I don't have anything set up for signed paperbacks (yet! it's coming... it just requires a lot more organizing than I'm currently able to do but def by the end of the year!) but I do have a teespring storefront now. There's not much in it other than Stronghold Girl swag but I'm going to be working on getting more stuff in there soon!

So yeah. Feeling a little overloaded yet? Me too!!!!! Wish me luck! <3


  1. I am crossing my fingers that you are successful! Looking forward to a wonderful year of Golden Angel books! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. I'm very excited to get caught up on your backlist this year and knocking down my vast library of GA and SA stuff from TBR to READ! I wish you luck in your schedule and hope for the same of mine lol.

  3. Good luck you never know what's possible until you try! Plus you know all your readers will goble all your books up.
