If you read to the end of my previous post, you know that my blog has moved to the free tier of my Patreon - CLICK HERE and click on "Follow" to get the updates when a public post is released =) There will be updates, teasers, giveaways, and other fun surprises!
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Golden Angel's 2023 - My Goodness What a Year!
My goodness. This year. Looking at these graphics, I have no idea how I did all of this. Granted, not all of these books were written during this year. And the translations were not new things that I had to write. But still! It's hard not to look at this and feel insanely proud of myself.
I am SO thrilled to have multiple translations. The release of the Poker Winner boxset, and then finishing out the Domestic Discipline Quartet in German and releasing that boxset... I could not be happy with how it's all turning out. I'm excited about more coming next year... though of course, that's for my January 1 post ;)
For my actual releases though... my goodness! First, finishing the Dungeons & Doms series with Dungeon Showdown made me so happy. I loved writing an entire series of later-in-life heroes and heroines and adding in my own brand of nerdy fun. The last book was especially enjoyable because it was the first look at the Hideaway, which I'm sure we'll be seeing more of in the future ;)
I also finished the Deception & Discipline series this year - sorta. I ended up realizing I'm going to need another book, or perhaps a collection of stories, to finish up some of the side characters' stories. Still! it was great getting A Season for Smugglers and A Season for Spies out into the world, along with Spy Season (available for free everywhere!) which I have literally been dreaming about writing for years. I was also really thrilled with A Season for Treason because it hit #1 in Victorian Romance on Amazon, as well as becoming a Nook Bestseller and hitting Apple Victorian Romance #1!
The Duke's Pursuit was my other historical romance release this year, which was my second traditionally published book, and such a thrill! I am so grateful for Cleis Press, who went for it with my rather out-there feminist historical romance. It's not every day that I get to write a book where the hero has to remain celibate while the heroine gets to play the field and have some fun (for good reason).
On the other side of things, the Masters of Marquis series keeps on running =) Law & Disorder released on my 10 Year Authorversary, which was HUGE! I can't believe I've been doing this for so long. It was a wonderful way to celebrate. I was also so excited to release Switch Play, which is my first book ever about switches instead of a Dominant and submissive relationship. And I was also writing about Q, who was first introduced in The Sassy Submissive, and I was so glad to be able to give him his own book after years of reader requests for it.
This was also my big Rawhide Ranch year, and I had so much fun connecting those stories to my Daddies Everywhere series books. I was so honored to be asked to be a Rawhide author and also to co-write with Stella Moore who is an amazing writer in her own right.
Outside of my books, this was still such an incredible year. My TikTok has exploded and I have had the honor of helping a lot of authors along with promoting my books and finding new readers. I am so happy that so many authors have found my tips helpful (and I still giggle constantly over calling it Just the Tip, thank you fellow author Vivian Murdoch for that suggestion!). Thanks to this I was invited to speak at multiple author events, which was mind blowing and also so much fun.
This year was also my first time having a book signing at Barnes and Noble. It was my first year at AwesomeCon (my favorite nerd con!) as an author. It was my first year bringing a cover model to a convention. So many amazing firsts this year.
I love this job so much. Thank you all for helping me make it possible. I can't wait to see what happens next!
One new thing that I will be doing next year, and there will be a post to remind you, is that I am actually leaving this blog... this is my last real post. Thank you so much for following along, but trying to keep up with everything, it's just too much for me. That doesn't mean that I'll be done blogging, I'm just moving my blogging to my patreon so my attention doesn't have to be divided.
If you want to follow along with monthly ramblings, occasional teasers, and other fun surprises, CLICK HERE and click FOLLOW to receive the FREE posts on my Patreon (it's basically just like this blog, but less work for me trying to keep up with multiple sites). Thank you all so much for your support and have a wonderful new year!
Thursday, October 27, 2022
#TBT - Friends With Benefits With Rope
#TBT to Bondage Buddies! Gotta love those friends with benefits with rope. No strings attached, just rope. LOL.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Time To Switch!
TEASER TUESDAY! Our first look at Switch Play... it's the whole prologue! I've had a lot of people ask about switches - either wanting to know more about them or wanting them to have more representation, and I've had such a good time writing this book. It's with the editor right now so this little teaser is unedited, but I hope you enjoy!
Prologue – 6 Months Ago
“You! What are you doing here?”
Samantha froze at the hostile tone, all her feelings of
being an imposter, of being in the wrong place, of trying to pretend she was
something that she wasn’t, reared up and made her want to turn and run right
back out the door.
I’m not really a dominant. I don’t belong here.
No one else gets to decide that but me.
The voice in her head was immediately countered by another
voice, a voice she respected, and a voice that she’d been hearing a lot more
often in her head when her own internal voice got out of control. Mistress
Olivia was a force to be reckoned with and Sam had started hearing her sardonic
tones every time her own uncertainties got too loud.
She blinked and her eyes narrowed at the incredibly
attractive black man who had spoken, the one who was staring at her in complete
shock. There was something incredibly familiar about him… Sam’s stomach turned
Now she really did feel like running out of the room. She
just wanted to learn how to be a Dominatrix, or a least get a feel for the Dom
side of things because she hadn’t quite felt like she fit in as a submissive,
not be confronted with a ghost of high school past.
Either way, she had never let Quinton Bright boss her
around in high school and she wasn’t about to start now. He might be the last
person she’d expected to find in Marquis’ How-to-Dom class but she wasn’t going
to let his presence stop her from getting what she wanted. Just like she hadn’t
in high school.
“Excuse me, Quinton?” She hid her satisfaction at his
flinch. Still didn’t like his name, huh? “I’m a member. What are you
doing here?”
As soon as the question was out of her mouth she wanted to
wince, because duh – what else would he be doing at a kink club’s Introduction
to Dominance class other than learn how to be a Dom? Could she have asked a
more inane question?
Not that she let it show on her face.
Channeling her inner Olivia, she drew herself up, keeping
her expression coldly impassive and doing her best to slow her pounding heart
rate. Brushing her hands over the blue skirt of her dress, at least she knew
she looked damn good.
“Quinton?” The dark-haired girl behind Q looked both
interested and amused at the confrontation that was going down in front of her.
Samantha had seen her around Stronghold, Marquis’ sister club, before though
she hadn’t seen Q. What was her name? Iris. That was it.
“Don’t call me that, Samwise,” Q snapped.
Oh, he did not. Sam glared at him, her hands automatically
going to her hips. Olivia wouldn’t run screaming just because someone brought
up a crappy high school nickname that had been used to taunt her. So what if
she was a bigger girl? She still loved potatoes, nearly as much as she’d hated
that stupid nickname, and she was well past the age where she was going to let
anyone make her feel bad about it.
“Then don’t call me that stupid nickname. We’re not in high
school anymore. Grow up.” There, that had told him. She couldn’t help but
mutter ‘ass’ under her breath.
Yeah she might have started it, but there was a difference
between calling someone by their actual legal name, no matter how much they
didn’t like it, and using a taunting nickname.
Especially since she knew the whole reason he’d hated being
called “Quinton” had been because he’d hated being teased about being a nerd in
high school. “Quinton” sounded like a nerd name, he’d said. Even though he’d
been a nerd, he hadn’t embraced it the way she had.
He looked even better than he had back then. His close-cropped
black hair was similar to the cut he’d had in high school, but the scrawny
limbs had been filled out with what looked like pure muscle bulging under his
t-shirt. The shirt said “One Lab Accident Away from Being a Supervillain” so he
seemed to be more comfortable with his nerd side now.
Which wasn’t too surprising. Being a nerd had somehow
become cool since they were in high school. Sam was still trying to reconcile
that with her memories of being teased for knowing anything about superheroes
and Game of Thrones.
It would have been nice if he hadn’t grown up to be quite
so hot, but at least she knew she looked good too. She’d dressed the part
today, going for the pin-up look that made the most of her curves with a blue
dress, and a wide red belt that cinched in her waist an extra inch or so.
While she might not be exactly an hourglass without a
corset, she could make herself look more like one.
“I take it you two know each other?” That question came
from Chef Nick, whom Sam immediately recognized. He was the head chef at the restaurant
Marquis operated as a regular restaurant on its first floor
and a kinky hotel on its second. Sam loved coming here. Not that she didn’t
love Stronghold, which had been the first club before Marquis was built, but
she’d spent more time here. Marquis made her feel classy and elegant, but also
hot. And she liked that she could hang out at the bar downstairs without feeling
so self-conscious about who was checking her out and who wasn’t.
Stronghold’s bar was full of Dominants who decided whether
or not to ask one of the submissives hanging out in the Lounge area to play.
Sure, there was some crossover, especially among couples, but for the most part
they stayed well apart. Sam never felt like she fit in with either side, so
Marquis – with its mix of kinksters and totally vanilla people who had no idea
about Marquis’ naughty side – suited her better.
Q didn’t answer, he turned around and sat down, like she
wasn’t even there and Samantha had to blink back the tears that threatened to
surge upwards. Yeah, that was a little too reminiscent of their past.
High school had been a decade ago though, shouldn’t they be
able to put their past behind them?
“Hi, I’m Nick,” the chef said, waving when Samantha didn’t
move closer. “This is my girlfriend Avery, and that’s Iris.”
“I’m single and ready to mingle,” Iris said with a friendly
grin. Samantha made herself smile, but her stomach turned over again and she
realized there was a good chance she was going to have to watch Q play, or
‘scene’, with another submissive during training.
Not over a high school crush huh? Pathetic.
Yeah it really was. She hadn’t even seen him since
graduation. But it wasn’t that she wasn’t over a silly little crush… she just
had some ‘what if’ thoughts. Not regrets exactly, just curiosity over the path
not taken.
Not that it was worth dwelling on.
I’m not that girl anymore.
“I’m Samantha, but I go by Sam,” she said, giving herself a
little shake as if she could make her wayward emotions straighten out that way.
“Welcome to the party.” Iris seemed completely unperturbed
by the interaction between Q and Sam, which was good, though Nick and Avery
appeared to be a little uncomfortable. Hopefully the introductions would get
them all past that, though by sitting so far away from Q she’d also put a bunch
of space between her and them.
At least they knew what she liked to be called, hopefully
things would get less awkward. Samantha had always felt too formal. She’d liked
Sam, even when kids had teased her about it being boyish, because she’d felt
like it was more casual.
She’d hated Samwise. Just because she’d loved Lord of the
Rings didn’t mean she’d wanted to be known as the fat hobbit. She’d been too
tall to be a hobbit anyway.
Thank you, Q, for sticking me with that name.
It grated that it still had the ability to get under her
skin a decade later.
The room had been set up with a little semi-circle of
chairs around the circular stage in the center of the room. The booths that
were used for dinner, eating, and watching the stage shows were all along the
edges of the room, the heavy curtains currently drawn. Samantha recognized the
setup from when she’d taken the subbie class.
The stage was where demonstrations were done and, on
weekend nights, actual kinky sex shows happened for the titillation of the
watching diners. Sam had come to one, once, with one of the girls from the
submissives class. She and Morgan weren’t besties or anything, but they’d
formed a friendship despite their differences.
It hadn’t been the same as seeing a show with someone she
was actually interested in, which was still on her list of ‘things I want to do
sometime soon.”
Finding someone she was interested in romantically would be
step number one. Maybe she’d have better luck finding a submissive than a
Dominant. That’s why she was here after all. Olivia thought Sam might be a
‘switch,’ someone who could do either or both.
Sam was willing to explore. She loved being a submissive a
lot of the times, but sometimes it just didn’t suit how she felt. She wasn’t a
brat either, which someone had suggested. It had taken Morgan pointing out that
sometimes she acted like a dominant when a Dom was trying to scene with her for
Sam to decide maybe she needed to talk things out with Olivia.
“Okay, everybody’s here!” Freddy’s cheerful voice filled
the room as the entrance door opened again. Sam twisted around in her seat to
see the flamboyant submissive, who also ran the host station at Marquis, and
was apparently a shark of a divorce lawyer by day.
Freddy was also going to be her submissive for the class.
He’d volunteered. Samantha liked Freddy a lot but there wasn’t a spark between
them… still, at least she had someone to practice on. She occasionally found
women attractive, but not enough to consider herself bisexual and she really
preferred men.
He was also smart as hell. Sam saw his eyes flit around
them, taking in where everyone was seated, and he frowned for just a fraction
of a second before his smile returned. She knew what that meant though, and
that he would probably be questioning her about it later.
She would have to think of something to tell him other than
“I had a crush on a boy in high school and ten years later I didn’t want to sit
to close to him.”
Behind Freddy was Morgan and a huge man. He was so big that
Sam was sure she would feel petite standing next to him. Well over six feet,
considering that Morgan came up to his chin in her heels. Morgan and Sam were
both taller than average, though Morgan was a stunning redhead with a model’s
body, while Sam was blonde and ‘pleasantly plump’ as her mom liked to say.
They went through another quick round of introductions
while Freddy went to get Master Law and Mistress Julie, who would be teaching
the class. Sam wished that Mistress Olivia was instructing, since she didn’t
know Mistress Julie and she’d hoped for some mentorship, but she knew Olivia
was busy running Marquis. Plus, Olivia’s boyfriend and submissive was Nick’s
older brother, so she didn’t think Olivia would be jumping to teach this
particular class even if she didn’t have a huge workload.
Morgan sat down next to Samantha, giving her a bright
smile, while Connor sat down next to Morgan. It wasn’t like people were
choosing sides or anything, but Samantha did feel a little better having people
next to her.
If Morgan and Connor had left the seat beside her for
Freddy, it would have been understandable and yet also made her feel like even
more of an outsider than she did right now. Not that it was anyone’s fault.
She’d chosen her own seat.
Just once, she wished she could feel like she was making
the right decisions instead of floundering like a fish out of water.
It was going to be an interesting class.
CLICK HERE to get your copy for the special preorder price!
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Teaser Tuesday - A Fate Worse Than Death?
Teaser Tuesday! This is the last teaser before release day =) Make sure to grab your copy for the special preorder price! - www.books2read.com/SeasonforSpies
Thursday, September 8, 2022
TBT to the Wallflower that Started it All!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Teaser Tuesday - The Lady and the Tramp
When I first put The Tramp into A Season for Treason and A Season for Scandal as an Easter Egg, I had no idea that he would end up playing an actual role in this series, but once I got to A Season for Spies, I realized that he was perfect for a bigger part in the story than anticipated. Which meant, of course, that Evie would have to make her way to the Tramp's Den at some point.
Making his way through the Warrens, Anthony stopped at
several other taverns before finally finding himself at the door of the Tramp’s
Den. Unlike the first place he stopped, he had not been able to find any word
of Mitchell in the others. All of them were filled with news of the hunt for
the man, as there were plenty of dockworkers frequenting them, but no one had
seen him or seemed to know about him. Or if they did, they were not speaking up,
even to help with the hunt. And he did not see anyone who appeared worried or
anything other than filled with fury and a desire for justice.
Anthony did not know whether to be frustrated or comforted
by that. He did not want Mitchell to have more allies than he already did, but
at the same time, it was making it very difficult to find the man. Perhaps
Camden would have more luck at his dinner.
Considering how Mitchell operated, it was entirely possible
his allies were among the upper classes rather than the lower. Still, he would
have had to hire out his dirty work in places like this, including the recent
assassination attempts.
Though Miss Davies, now Lady Durham, had said the
highwayman who kidnapped her had talked like one of their set. He still had not
been found.
Damnation. Was he looking in the wrong place?
After a moment, he realized it did not matter. Either way,
he needed to make sure every possibility had been covered. Otherwise, the lapse
would bother him. Small lapses could sink a mission. If there was something to
discover at the Tramp’s Den and he passed it by or missed something because he
thought there was nothing to be found, he would never forgive himself.
He knocked on the door.
Opening, a huge man stood in the doorway, filling it up, a
bruiser, with a healing cut over his left eye and a frown on his face.
“Butch,” Anthony grunted. They’d met before when Anthony
was in a similar guise.
“Tony.” Butch stepped back, allowing Anthony to step
through the doorway, eying him warily. “The Tramp willna like it if there’s
“No trouble.” Anthony held his hands up as he passed by the
other man. “I’m looking for information.”
“Ain’t ya always,” Butch muttered. There was some truth to
that. Anthony shrugged. Butch knew Anthony was not exactly what he appeared to
be, and one of the best things about places like the Den was people were not
questioned too closely.
Unfortunately, it was also probably one of the reasons why
Mitchell had connections to this place.
“I need to talk to the Tramp.” It was best to start at the
top. If he explained why he was there, the Tramp might be more open to letting
him make his own way through the hell. While the Tramp was one of the Kings of
the Underworld, he was also loyal to his country.
Anthony did not believe for a moment he would countenance
treason being plotted in his Den—if he knew—but he still wanted to look the man
in the face when he asked him. Just in case. No stone uncovered and all that.
He needed to know he could trust his initial instincts about the man.
Butch blinked. Nodded his head.
“You can go to his office to wait.”
“Where is he now?” It was already into the wee hours of the
morning. By now, Camden and Miss Stuart would be home and abed, even if the
soiree had run longer than usual. Anthony would not allow the late hour to make
him sloppy, but neither did he wish to extend it beyond what was necessary.
A smile flashed across Butch’s face.
“Putting on a show.”
Anthony stifled a groan. The Tramp would not have been out
of place in the Society of Sin with his proclivities. He thoroughly enjoyed
fucking his lady on the balcony overlooking the main floor of the Den, where
everyone below could see and hear her. When he was not putting on a show, he
kept his lady plugged with a tail and soft cloth ears that made her look like a
No one would guess she had once been a debutante. When he
first realized, he had been worried about how she ended up here but ascertained
she was perfectly happy where she was. After some snooping, he discovered the
Tramp had legally married her, with the permission of her guardian. Although
Anthony would have mounted a rescue, anyway, if it had been necessary.
Now, instead of being Lady Delilah Darling, she was the
Tramp’s lady, fucked in front of an audience of all classes on a regular basis.
Including quite a few members of the ton who could have recognized her
if they had paid attention—the way Anthony eventually had.
“You can watch while you wait.”
“No.” Anthony shook his head. “I’ll go to his office if you
can let him know I’m there once he’s done.”
He was no prude, but he did not have any desire to watch
the Tramp’s antics. He had seen them often enough on previous visits to the
Den. As titillating as they could be, they held no interest right now.
It had nothing to do with a particular black-haired,
green-eyed beauty who had taken up all his thoughts.
“As you will.” Butch closed the main door and opened the
next, which led to the Den’s main floor. The small hallway between the two
doors was helpful for raids and keeping out unwanted groups of people. Only so
many could fit there, creating a bottleneck. While Butch or the Tramp’s other
main man, Frank, were fighters of the first degree, anyone could be overwhelmed
by superior numbers. The door setup helped prevent that. “You know where it
Anthony had only been in the Tramp’s office once, but yes,
he knew where it was.
With the second door open, the wash of sound flowed over
him—arousing, shouting, laughter, the sounds of people having a good time.
Above them all, the Tramp was on his balcony, his lady in front of him, while
he thrust into her from behind. Her dark hair hung in front of her face, so her
expression could not be seen, but he could hear her moans as the sounds of everyone
else ebbed and flowed.
Some were watching, some were not. Those who came to the
Den regularly knew they could expect to see such a show on most nights. By the
end of it, when she came, they would cheer, the way they always did.
He moved through the crowd, keeping an eye peeled for
Mitchell, but he was nowhere to be seen. Anthony was so busy looking for the
man in the crowd, he almost did not notice the woman.
Miss Stuart.
The two names overlapped in his thoughts when he caught
sight of her. Yvette, the whore he had met in a French brothel—Miss Stuart, her
true identity—was laughing at something one of the gentlemen she was talking to
said as she leaned forward. Their eyes were on her breasts, which were in
serious danger of spilling out of the top of her dress. Both of them were
members of the ton, and either could recognize her at a future date.
What the devil is she doing here?
Get your copy of A Season for Spies for the special pre-order price! - www.books2read.com/SeasonforSpies