Monday, November 26, 2012

Being the Maid Ch. 8

YAY! Chapter 8 of Being the Maid is now available on Lit =) I really had a lot of fun writing this chapter, despite the fact that it was hard not to want to smack some of the characters around. Splitting up Bridget from Garrett really made things interesting development-wise, especially because Patrick ended up being a lot more interested in Bridget than I had originally anticipated. Also... there was a surprising good guy for the chapter. So did not see that coming when I first started writing this series! That's definitely one of the things I love about writing the longer series though, the fact that a lot of the time what I think is going to happen when I first plan the outline has usually changed by the time the characters and the plot develops.  Makes the writing process more interesting and (I think) keeps the story more natural.

I can't believe I'm only two chapters away from the end of this series. It's definitely one of the more involved ones that I've written for Literotica. That kind of seems to be my specialty now =P Involved storylines. I'm definitely okay with that though. I seem to be moving away from the quickies.  There are still plenty of old quickies for people to read though =) I may eventually write some more, just not at the moment. Everyone seems to want the longer ones anyway ;)

I've started work on Chapter 9, but since I'm really concentrating hard on Venus Desiring at the moment, I'm probably not going to finish it until sometime next week.  We'll see. If I'm really lucky I might be able to get it done before then. But I really want to get Desiring out asap. My original goal date was November 2012 for Desiring, and I really hate going too far over my goal dates. Even if the book is longer than originally anticipated.

In other news... I'm seriously considering buying myself a Hitachi for Christmas. I want to know what it's like so I can start using them in my stories. In fact there are a whole bunch of things that I'm considering buying myself for Christmas for that exact reason. It's been years since I've tried nipple clamps and I think I want to again. I just need to get better ones than I did the last time.  Since I started writing again my toy collection has been growing again. Seems reasonable. I gotta know what I'm writing about after all ;) What I really want is to play with electricity again but that will probably have to wait because those things are expeeeeeeeeensive! And also I'd need to talk hubby into it. Not sure how he feels about electricity. Although since he's kind of a science nerd he might find it interesting and fun =D  I also think I want to try wax again.

Sometimes some things work better in fantasy / stories than they do for me in real life.  That's definitely happened in the past. But it's been a few years since I've tried some of the things and I'm thinking I might be a little bit more prepared for them this time around. At least, I want to try. I might start writing toy reviews on the blog... would anyone actually be interested in reading those? Tell you what... I'm going to make a survey. Look to the left of this blog and vote on whether or not you'd like me to start adding toy reviews to my blog. Might be an interesting addition.

Anyway... having Chapter 8 available has made my Monday seem a little better. Hopefully it's doing the same for yours ;)


  1. Your hubby is a lucky man to have such an adventurous wife. :)

    Being the Maid 8 was awsome.

  2. I loved chapter 8 of being the maid!! But then again, I've loved all of them! Also liked the alternate of contest. I had never read about using electricity like that. Insane! Keep writing, I'm hoping to talk someone into "gifting" me some amazon money for christmas so I can get the venus books on my kindle so I can catch up on those as well! Lol!

  3. Cannot wait for Venus desiring! I love the series so far and I have gotten seriously invested in the characters! The wait is horrible! But I know it will be worth it! Will it be very much longer?

    1. I think I'm about 85% done right now =) I'm hoping to be able to work on it a lot this weekend and get it out at the beginning of Dec!

    2. Yay! Early Xmas present! :D

  4. Just re-read Venus Aspiring.. I can not wait for Desiring. Love all the characters to bits! I'm super excited for more Hillary and Liam. I keep checking back every few hours for news, but i suppose i'll just have to learn to be patient..
