Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Breaking the Chain - Now Available on Nook too!

Nook has FINALLY gotten its act together and now Breaking the Chain is available on all the places!

Barnes & Noble

So far everyone seems to be enjoying it!  Thank you so much those of you who have left reviews or sent me feedback =)  The best Christmas present you can leave me is definitely a review!  Although the Stronghold series is dear to my heart, it doesn't seem to be quite as popular as some of my other series, so extra reviews always help ;)  Thank you so much everyone!


  1. I'm doing a write up on my blog at this moment, so maybe it will let other people know how fun 'Stronghold' is!

    1. Aw thank you so much! If you send me a link to your blog (for some reason, clicking on your name didn't take me to it) I'll direct people there!
