Saturday, January 18, 2014

I Wish...

I type 102 words per minute with minimal mistakes.

And I still wish I could type faster.

I have all these ideas just constantly exploding inside of my head... I wish you could all see the little notebooks that I have just FILLED with story ideas that are yet to be written.  And I have no idea when I'll be able to write them.  And it SUCKS because I want to share them all with you, but then I'm like, that's not really fair to be like, "CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME IDEA I HAVE.... I'm probably not going to be able to write it for a couple of years..." lol

I mean, you know... it just seems mean.

There's a futuristic series that I really want to write and I was like, "Dude, I'll totally get into that after I finish the Stronghold series!"  But of course, I'm only working on the second book of the Stronghold series and there's still what... 5-6 more to go?  If not more?  Plus, I've had some ideas for novellas to insert in between the actual books (things that I want to write but won't need a full book for, like Liam proposing to Hilary; Justin, Chris and Jessica's wedding; a prequel to Jared's book, plus some of the characters leftover from Venus School and maybe some of the other side characters from Stronghold).  ACK.

At least I can look forward to the Society of Sin, which is the Victorian series I'll be working on after I finish the Domestic Discipline Quartet.  That one will start with Marriage Training and then go back in time, starting with Gabriel's stepmother Audrey and the beginning of her employment as governess to his sisters, telling her story with his father.  After that it'll move onto his sisters, and then I've got multiple ideas for stories from that point (one of which will have Vivian's friend Emily, from Mrs. Cunningham's Finishing School, as the heroine).  And I've got a bunch of novella ideas for that one too.  SO yeah.  That I can talk about because I've got only one more book before starting that, and I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to get Marriage Training out in book form this fall!  I'll be aiming for September/November.

Anyway.  Just felt like whining a bit about all the great ideas I have that I don't feel like I can share.  LOL.  And my excitement about what I AM working on.  YAY!  Heh heh heh.

One more thing I'm excited about - came up with some AWESOME outlines to finish the stories that you all voted on that I'm suuuuper excited about.  From Terra is the most episodic, rather than having a real story arch, but the other two have some major stuff going on =) YAY!


  1. My biggest nightmare is running out of story ideas. Some days I can't think of anything, those days I usually edit. Some days though, the ideas come so thick and fast, the story ends up so convoluted, I'm cursing that I'll never fit it in one book.
    Can't believe you have so many outlines. I admire that (and am rather jealous). My writing style is the ultimate in haphazard; I'll write the beginning one day, a little mid-book scene the next, the ending the day after then have to concentrate to fill in the middle bits...

    1. haha, I can't do that... I tried once and never got around to the middle because I already knew how it ended LOL.

      I use my writing block days for editing too =) It's a good way to do it! Altho, if you ever want a story suggestion, I've got plenty to share!

  2. Dont despair! I can imagine how frustrating it is not to put ideas out there, but they're there, bubbling, cooking, simmering so when they do come out, they will be just perfect. I love to hear that Stronghold will have so many ideas, it makes me really happy. I just love them all and I want them to go on for a long time.

    I agree, running out of ideas is worse! I only write in roleplay and even then I get worried about that. Sounds like you are doing great!

    M. (For Marta ;) )

    1. Yeah, every time I think I'm done with my ideas for Stronghold, a bunch more pop up. *sigh* ah well. It's not a bad thing to have stuff simmering, I know =) Just gets frustrating some times!

    2. Taken by the Wolf ch 10 is up!!!!

  3. 102 words per minute! Wow - except, do you think that fast? I'm very envious. My brain can't even keep up with the 30 or so words I can do.

    Don't you meet amazing people on line!

    1. Yeah, somehow my brain manages to keep up =) I speed-read too, can't help it, just do it... it's actually sickening how fast I read. I'm extremely lucky =P

  4. Know the feeling Jacqueline--I can write at a crazy amount of words per minute, but at times my brain can't keep up so it gets weird.
