Friday, April 7, 2017

It's Rambling Time!

I haven't done one of these blogs in a while...

Partly because things have just been CRAZY.  It's busy season at my day job and I barely managed to finished Chasing His Squirrel on time, so it's not like I've had a lot of time to blog.  Or even think.  I'm totally zombie-brained for the most part right now, but as my work is slowing down (most of my stuff was due last week) the creative side of my brain is sparking up again!  HOORAY!

I know people were getting impatient with Taken by the Viking chapters taking even longer than usual to come out, but I'm picking up on writing those again =)  Which means now people can be impatient with other things, like plot progression (even though the story line is moving twice as fast as Taken by the Wolf did), Jordan's lack of remorse (even though we're not yet at the point in the story where Jordan would even SHOW any kind of realization that maybe he's done something wrong going by the way I wrote the Wolf - and I'll be honest, I can't see him ever regretting it), and the fact that the non-con story is full of non-con sex.  Don't even need parenthesis for that one to help explain what's wrong with the expectation lol.  Some days the comments make me giggle, some days they make me face palm, and some days they make me wonder if I'm just not being clear enough in my writing... but overall I'm really happy with how the story is going so I'm not stressing about it.

And don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate constructive criticism, but honestly, I can't move the plot any faster without sacrificing character development, I can't change Jordan's character without wrecking the way the original story went, and the story is clearly marked in a certain category so I don't understand why expectations would be different.  I do appreciate the people who comment in return to some of the more head-scratching comments I get. =)

I AM looking forward to getting past the point where the Wolf ended (which is part of why this story line is progressing twice as fast).  I don't want to give everything away, but Jordan & Trish's are not the only points of view that are going to be included in the very end of the series.  So that's a fun little hint of what we have to look forward to!

On the book side of things - I'm a couple chapters into Stripping the Sub which is Michael & Ellie's book.  Either Jake or Olivia is up next in the Stronghold series and I'm not 100% sure which it's going to be... a lot is going to depend on the events of this book =)  Because things could really go either way.  I'm really excited about Michael & Ellie's story.  Yes, we'll get a tiny peek at their back story, just like we did with Andrew and Kate.  Which I've already finished writing and it makes me happy.  Heck, they make me happy.  It's going to be an interesting ride because I think Ellie is the first heroine in the Stronghold series who is really against having a relationship (the closest I've gotten to that before is Leigh, who wasn't really looking for a serious relationship, but she definitely wasn't against it either).

I'm *hoping* to get Stripping the Sub out by the end of May but we'll see how fast I manage to type =) That's my goal.  After that I'll be back in the Victorian era for Benedict's Commands.  YAY!!!!  He's rattling around in my head but he's letting Michael take the front seat for now ;)  Michael's been waiting a lot longer after all lol.

So that leaves the question... what are my in between books going to be?!

My in between books are mostly Dark Angel titles, although I also consider the Big Bad Bunnies series to be in between books, because I'm mostly working on them throughout the year.  BBB is the only one that has a "due" date though, as I really like to release them on April Fool's day for some reason.  The others, I just work on whenever I'm in the mood to write by the character from my main project is really talking to me and I can't focus on whatever I'm writing for Lit.  This happens more often than you would think.  Sometimes taking a break from a current project gives my brain time to recuperate its passion for that project and then when I come back to it, my fingers fly!

Right now I'm about halfway through converting Keeping It In the Family and House of Fantasy: Elena's Story from Lit into Amazon appropriate novellas.  KF got sidetracked and I didn't like where it was going so I set it off to the side.  It was getting too romance-y and that's not what I wanted.  Hopefully when I pick it up again later I can get back on track.  On the other side, Elena is doing EXACTLY what I wanted when I thought about expanding her story so I'm hoping that if Stripping the Sub isn't ready by the end of May, that Elena will be.  SO either way, I should have something coming out next month.

After that I'll either write another Planets Apart novel - next stop on our intergalatic tour is Sirius, which is entirely devoted to human pets ;)  Won't lie... I'm looking forward to it.  I haven't done anything with pet play before and I think it's going to be fun to explore - or a second installment of Annie's Adventures now that she's back in college after her summer with the sybian.  Not sure which yet!  If you have a particular favorite, feel free to use some peer pressure lol.

So... the last little thing to leave you with... title reveal!  Next Big Bad Bunnies book is going to be Chasing His Hippo.


  1. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Make BBB a in between book. *on my knees begging*

    1. LOL once I finish Stronghold it'll probably be a regular book series and I'll find another in between series to get a book out once a year =P

  2. Hi! Just wanna say I'm looking forward to the next Stronghold book! I appreciate how you still take the time to update your blog.

    I'm a fellow writer too so I definitely think you should decide how your characters and plot go. ;) Thanks for writing books that we all enjoy!

    1. Aw thank you! I'm pretty excited about Stripping His Sub and can't wait to get it released =)

  3. I am so happy that you update this blog! Thank you. Can't wait until the next book
