Saturday, July 13, 2019

My Amazon Free Month - Day 13 - The Prime Test

One of the first things I've heard when I tell people that I'm having an Amazon-free month, over and over, is the horrified - "But Prime day is this month!"

True confession: I don't keep track of when Prime day is.

My usual prime day is someone telling me a few days beforehand and me going "oh..." and then trying to think of all the things that I might want to buy. I don't save up for it or wait for it, I tend to buy things as I need them, but once I know it's coming I try to think of things I might want / need in the future that I should just go ahead and buy now. There's usually a few things, but I don't go crazy with the spending usually. Still, I always end up buying something.

Because it's Prime Day.

Amazon is testing me extra hard this year with this Kindle deal.

However - I've found a replacement.

Knowing that I'm doing an Amazon-free month, someone was nice enough to tell me that Target is also having "Prime Days" on July 15th and 16th! I've already been going through their website and adding things to my 'favorites' - which is basically their version of a wishlist and also something that I didn't know they had. It's definitely going to make things a lot easier on me.

I need some new towels. And a new bathmat. Probably would have bought them on prime day this year but instead... Target Day!

Apparently Red Card users also get an additional 5% off everything. I'm currently considering opening a new credit card lol.

Things are definitely getting a little bit easier each day. I still have to remind myself not to sign into Amazon every morning, but I no longer pull up the page before I remember that I'm not immediately signing in. I still use my Kindle every day, but I'm on Smashwords a lot more often than I used to be, seeing if they whatever I'm looking for. So far I haven't bought any books this month, I've just been using my Kindle Unlimited subscription, but I also read a lot less than I used to.

I did try to pre-order an anthology that Lexi Blake and Sierra Cartwright are a part of off of Kobo but for some reason couldn't get the pre-order to work =( I'm still not sure why. I'm going to wait until release day and try to order it then - or maybe see if it's up on Smashwords by then. I'll use the Kobo ordering system if I have to though.

So that's where I'm at! Looking forward to seeing what a Target Day is like =)


  1. I've bee a Prime Member for about 5 years now.... I've yet to make a single purchase during Prime Days. I do however plan on looking for some deals this year. Keep up the resistance!!!

  2. With reading online I'd also recommend checking out what options your local library has. Opens up the availability of more free books (although publishers gouge libraries pretty hard with prices).
