Sunday, October 13, 2013

Marriage Training Ch. 17

So, Chapter 17 of Marriage Training is now available on Literotica.

I know some of the chapters can get a little repetitive as they expound on the same themes, but Vivian and Gabriel took me for a little unexpected twist on this one which was fun.  I didn't know how their evening was going to go when I started writing the chapter and they surprised me =)

Having a bit of trouble with Amazon's self-publishing program... apparently there was something wrong with my cover art for the 3rd and 4th books of Venus Rising.  I have no idea WHAT exactly, since the email they sent me didn't say anything except that it didn't follow their guidelines and I definitely didn't think those covers had anything offensive about them.  I bought the rights from bigstock for them so it shouldn't have been a copyright issue.

Anyway, I've re-submitted them with different covers so they should be back up in the next day or so.

I was hoping to get more writing done this weekend, and I have gotten a bit, but I'm also super sick.  Enough so that I actually went to get checked out yesterday (which is extremely unusual for me, I usually just deal until it's over) and I'm now on anti-biotics... wooo.  *sigh* Unfortunately I'm not feeling much better today.  I'll still try to get some writing done though. 


  1. All I can think of is for Desiring you can see the bottom of her boobs, and Transcendant you can (just about) see her bum cheeks, whereas the other covers don't show as much (if that's true, Birching may be next).
    *inserts joke about repressed Americans and winks*
    I have read something elsewhere about there being some random enforced changes on Amazon of cover art, or books being recategorised/hidden from search results if they have erotic content. However the enforcement wasn't being equally enforced between trad and SP. Can't remember where though, it was months back when I was looking into SP.

    1. Yeah, cuz there are seriously a TON of books out there that show a lot more risqué stuff!!! They're back to being available now with much less sexy pics, and I've re-submitted them with their original covers to see if they get through review lol.

    2. Kit Rocha had to change her covers too so there may be a foundation to that comment above. Shame, I do like those covers (and already got them yay!) if they have a problem with this kind of thing they will have to crack down on a ton of books, there are so many out there!!!!! some a lot more revealing than yours!

      I hope you feel better and I loved the chapter, haha I loved to see poor Gabriel being pestered by his sisters!!!!


    3. Well at least I know I'm not the only one... but seriously, wtf, they weren't offensive or pornographic at all! I can ALMOST understand Transcendent, but not Desiring. Ugh.

      Anyway, I'm feeling slightly better today, thanks =) And yeah, it was a FUN chapter to write. I'm looking forward to turning this into a book and, after that, writing books about his sisters! It should be fun!

    4. Just read on Twitter/Facebook, Lexi Blake's (amongst others) had a menage book pulled by Amazon. Some strange stuff going on...

      Glad you're feeling a bit better.
      (Can't wait for Stronghold!)


  2. Not be picky but I hope you reread the chapters that were written when you were medicated. Last thing we want is a chapter that starts out.........Adam found Angel's lost glass slipper but her 7 dwarf roommates would not let him return it!

    Great job on MT Ch 17 and hope you are feeling better every day.


    1. A little bit every day =P Hahahaha and I think that maybe your idea is a story that I need to write... LOL.

    2. I like your idea of darker stuff better........come on to the darkside, we have cookies :)


    3. Bahahaha. I want cookies!!!

