Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Made Jewelry!

So I spent some time today making jewelry that I'm ridiculously proud of. 

A couple of weeks ago at a Renaissance Fair I kept getting comments about my outfit being 'steampunk' and then I was invited to a steampunk ball by a stranger.  So I went home and looked the stuff up and found out that I am actually rather steampunk, I just didn't know it because I don't really pay that much attention to... well... lots of things. LOL.  I'm hoping to start writing some steampunk erotica sometime soon, I've got an idea for one story but I need to do some more research into how steampunk erotica differs from regular erotica. I already know I like the general fiction. 

It's also a fashion thing though, and at the Renn Fair I was at a booth selling steampunk inventions when the owners asked if I would consider coming back at a later date "fully steampunked out" and posing for cards. I have no idea what kind of cards they meant (greeting cards? playing cards?) but the main thing is that they want to use real people for them. I might not be chosen, but they want my picture. So I said sure, I'd love to.

Luckily I found out that I'm actually so interested in steampunk fashion without knowing it that I already had everything but the jewelry. I actually LOVE steampunk jewelry, something else I found out, but most of the pieces that I have didn't go as well with the outfit I wanted to wear. So I figured I'd make some, because I didn't want to just buy stuff anyway.

This is probably my least favorite piece, it's just a pin. I like it, I just don't LOVE it:

This is the other pin I made which I freaking LOVE, which is why it's displayed on the money pouch that I use. I think it's the dangly part that makes me love it so much.
This is the necklace I made. I have a small obsession with cameos. Always have. I kinda wish this had a black background on the cameo part, but at the same time I kind of like the brighter color. I'll have to get a black background one some other time.
This is a bracelet... there's another bracelet that I want to make but all the pieces haven't arrived yet so in the meantime, this is a smaller bracelet. The cool part is, they're all separate parts and they actually rotate.
And I made a ring:
Aaaaaaaaaaaand my FAVORITE piece. I found this at an accessory store and was like WOAH. And then I put gears on it. It's just so unusual, I'm a little obsessed with it. Spent a while stroking hubby's goatee with it. He thought it was weird but I enjoyed myself. LOL
Soooooo no I didn't really get much writing done today. I did do some. Like, two paragraphs. And I've thought about storylines and whatnot. So that's good right? Brainstorming and all. LOL. But yeah. This is why I didn't get much done today. Don't worry though! Tomorrow I'm planning on spending a lot more of my time writing =)


  1. Wow, these are gorgeous! You're really talented. :D

    1. Aw thanks! I was really happy with the way they came out =)

  2. Strange.....but cool LOL it's good to have some variety in your life so I say it's OK that you didn't write on saturday ;) even though I wait impatiently for any writing you finish...just love your writing!!

    1. Heh heh aawwww thanks! Yeah I've been putting off making the jewelry for weeks now in order to write so I figured it was time. I did get a TON of writing done yesterday though which was good. I got Sarah's PD all ready for Kindle and got about a third of the way through the revisions for Wanna Bet... I'm hoping to finish that one for Kindle by next weekend!

  3. With your Gear obsession you OBVIOUSLY need to write a steampunk BDSM romance series now. :P

    1. that's what i'm hoping to do! I already have the idea for it but I've just got so much stuff going on already. I need more tiiiiiiiiime!
